Tyler Scott Bechtel

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Introducing.....My new cousin Madison Ann Yost
Isn't she pretty!

Mommy and Daddy holding her when she was just a few hours old. I went too, but only got a quick peak. Grandpa kept me busy in the waiting room with rice krispy treats and pretzels.

Baby Maddie and me visiting for the first time.

I even know how to share.....I used this when I was a baby and played with it again at her house.


Waking up on my first birthday!

Chowing down on cake at my birthday party!

Aren't I cute!

I am such a busy 1 year old that Mommy and Daddy have no time for this computer thing. I KEEP THEM BUSY!!! I am running around and love getting into everything. At my 1 year check-up, (A month ago...) I was 30 inches long and 19 lbs. Still pretty small considering I was over 8 lbs at birth, but I am growing slowly but surely. I got to switch from formula to whole milk, which I LOVE and I eat most of my food with my hands. (Mom and Dad try to spoon food in but I usually don't let them!) I am having lots of fun playing outside in my water table or sandbox and love swimming whenever I get a chance and the water is warm!